The Hortie Pentalogy

The Horties were a family of four, consisting of a mother, father, sister, brother. The first book of their pentalogy describes them collectively as a family. Each subsequent entry in the pentalogy focuses on an individual: father (II), brother (III), sister (IV) and mother (V).

Other than the fact that the protagonists are members of a common family, the five novels have little relation to one another, either in content or in structure. That each component of a pentalogy should differ from another is an aspect of nonidiomatic improvisation. Were they of a similar nature, they would succumb to their own idiom.

The first four books are written by David Keffer. The last book is jointly authored by five members of the executive governing committee of the International Congress on Exploratory Meta-Living, with an introduction penned by the sixth and final member. That the authorship of the final book in the pentalogy differs from that of the first four books was not planned. On the contrary, this unusual outcome was a result of the author proving unable or unwilling to write the last book, thus prompting the editors at the Poison Pie Publishing House to identify alternate writers.



  • Book I: The Horties (2010)
  • A Novel of Invisibility, in which an otherwise ordinary family of four flouts the laws of Darwin as well as the laws of physics in an attempt to better understand the world and their role in it
  • one-page flyer


  • Book II: The Sutra of Reverse Possession (2012)
  • A Novel of Non-Idiomatic Improvisation, in which a man invites various spirits inside himself in a series of experiments intended to discover superior approaches to being a husband and father
  • one-page flyer


  • Book III: The Dream Quest of Unknown Kadath (Revisited) (2012)
  • A Modern Adaptation of the Novella by H.P. Lovecraft, in which a father and son travel through the Dreamlands along the path originally taken by Randolph Carter in the 1920's
  • one-page flyer


  • Book IV: The Ruins of My Daughter's Cities (2013)
  • An Imaginary Travelogue, in which diverse, imaginary cities are described in an attempt to provide a better understanding between a father and daughter
  • one-page flyer