Archived News from the Poison Pie Publishing House.
News Updates From 2024:
On-going Blog Series
November 20, 2024
Review: Ten Records that Made the World a Better Place in 2024
The staff of the Poison Pie Publishing House take the opportunity to share their thoughts about ten records released in 2024 that brightened their day upon initial listening and through-out the days that followed.
Review Date: November 20, 2024
Reviewer: Poison Pie Publishing House Staff
Link to Review: review link
October 13, 2024
The Clockwise Cadenza Mobile is Complete
The canopy of the mobile, depicting Melanippe's map from Hebeloma's Clockwise Cadenza (2023) has been added to the gallery. The update appears in both the exhibit of photos and the exhibit of scans. Some photographs of the completed mobile also appear at the end of the exhibit of photos
September 21, 2024
Continuous-Line Illustrations for Hebeloma's Lament
We have received photographs of continuous-line drawings, which will be used as the chapter headings for Hebeloma's Lament in a Dozen Denials, including characters from January through August. We post the photos in the gallery.
September 21, 2024
More Mobile Elements
Parts of the frame for the forthcoming mobile showcasing the chapter illustrations of Hebeloma's Clockwise Cadenza (2023) have been added to the gallery. The four frame elements are based on a set of plates purchased by the captain of the Aetos during their stop in the port of Gytheio. Each plate was decorated with a different mythological beast. The update appears in both the exhibit of photos and the exhibit of scans.
September 15, 2024
Shrinky dink renderings of the chapter heading illustrations from Hebeloma's Clockwise Cadenza (redux)
The staff of the Poison Pie Publishing House have been working slowly to render the illustrations used as chapter headings in Hebeloma's Clockwise Cadenza (2023). Part of the appeal of the translucent plastic medium is the transmission of light through the work. We uploaded photographs of the artwork to the gallery page.
September 14, 2024
Shrinky dink renderings of the chapter heading illustrations from Hebeloma's Clockwise Cadenza
The staff of the Poison Pie Publishing House have been working slowly to render the illustrations used as chapter headings in Hebeloma's Clockwise Cadenza (2023). We uploaded scans of the artwork to the gallery page.
July 15, 2024
Several New Illustrations for Hebeloma's Lament
We have received a batch of illustrations for the Hebeloma's Lament in a Dozen Denials, including characters from January, February and March. Interested visitors can view works in progress as they are generated by the artist and transmitted to the PPPH staff on the gallery page.
July 8, 2024
Second Illustration for Hebeloma's Lament
Only a day later, we have a second glimpse at Europe, heroine of the musical score, Hebeloma's Lament in a Dozen Denials. Interested visitors can view works in progress as they are generated by the artist and transmitted to the PPPH staff on the gallery page.
July 7, 2024
First Exploratory Illustration for Hebeloma's Lament in a Dozen Denials
The staff of the Poison Pie Publishing House post the first draft illustration by Julia K. Keffer of Bus Stop Art Showfor the musical score, Hebeloma's Lament in a Dozen Denials. Interested visitors can view works in progress as they are generated by the artist and transmitted to the PPPH staff on the gallery page.
March 2, 2024
Hebeloma's Clockwise Cadenza printed
The first edition of Hebeloma's Clockwise Cadenza is printed in a limited edition hardcover with a set of postcards featuring color versions of the twelve illustrations used as chapter headings plus a few more related images. Hebeloma's Clockwise Cadenza is a post-existential musical score generated through a non-idiomatic, improvisational creative process, which was serially published on a daily basis in 2023 on the blog of the Poison Pie Publishing House. The full text remains electronically available on a free, anonymous basis on this site. The score recounts the adventure of Melanippe, one of the maidens offered to the minotaur by King Minos, immediately after she escaped from the labyrinth.
The postcards were created by by Julia K. Keffer of Bus Stop Art Show ( ).
January 16, 2024
Shrinky Dink Mobile of Scenes from Gou Tanabe's Manga Adaptations of Lovecraft
The staff of the Poison Pie Publishing House kick off 2024 with a continuation of their art project in which they render scenes from various books in shrinky dink form. At this link, we present a gallery of scans and photos of a mobile containing four scenes from manga adaptations by Gou Tanabe of works originally by H.P. Lovecraft.
January 6, 2024
A Survey of One Hundred Bestiaries Continues in 2024
In 2016, the bibliophiles at the Poison Pie Publishing House began a recurring online feature showcasing books about monsters. Initially ambitious, they titled it A Survey of One Hundred Bestiaries. It turns out that there is a virtually infinite number of such books in the world, cataloging creatures real and imagined. The survey continues to this day. In the past several years, a new entry in the survey has been added on the first Saturday of each month. Today, on the first Saturday of January, 2024, we post the 336th entry, Pokénatomy II, written, illustrated and self-published by Christopher Stoll. The survey is not intended to be a review; we do not provide subjective commentary. Instead, we present an image of one entry from the book as well as some portion of the accompanying text description, allowing the reader to form their own opinions. In the case of Pokénatomy II, we note here that this is an example of our favorite kind of bestiary—an independent labor of love brought to reality by the author.
January 1, 2024
2023: The Year in Review at the Poison Pie Publishing House
In the year 2023, the staff of the Poison Pie Publishing House produced exactly one book. Hebeloma's Clockwise Cadenza, a post-existential musical score generated through a non-idiomatic, improvisational creative process, was serially published on a daily basis in 2023 on the blog of the Poison Pie Publishing House. The score is illustrated by Julia K. Keffer of Bus Stop Art Show ( ). Hebeloma's Clockwise Cadenza recounts the adventure of Melanippe, one of the maidens offered to the minotaur by King Minos, immediately after she escaped from the labyrinth.
Also in 2023, the staff of the Poison Pie Publishing House generated a few music reviews. In doing so, we hope only to spread the word about hidden musical gems from the cultural margin. We shared a handful of quotes that struck us. Outside of our on-going monthly update of A Survey of One Hundred Bestiaries, we posted only one book review. We continued to engage in our guilty pleasure of rendering characters and scenes from books into shrinky dink form, creating a mobile of the chapter headings from Hebeloma's Abyssal Aria (2022) as well as eight mobiles in homage to beloved children's authors and illustrators.
The staff of the Poison Pie Publishing House is no longer setting annual goals. However, the daily blog will continue, with the intention of engaging in non-idiomatic improvisation. This work will take the form of a musical score and is titled, Hebeloma's Lament in a Dozen Denials (2024).
To our readers, we, the staff of the Poison Pie Publishing House, thank you for your interest and support and we look forward to another mutually creative and unpredictable year.