Bus Stop Art Show: Central Station

This page reports on selected results emerging from the street artist, Ms. Julia K. Keffer of Phoenix, Arizona. As near as we can surmise, a Bus Stop Art Show involves the posting of artwork at bus stops with the intention that a work on display can be taken home free of charge by any patron of the mass transit system who finds a particular piece appealing. (In the chronology that follows, dates correspond to the day on which the images were received or posted by the staff of the Poison Pie Publishing House. This date correlates approximately to the date of the Bus Stop Art Show itself.)

The adventures of Julia K. Keffer and the Bus Stop Art Show can be followed on .


July 7, 2023
Exploratory Illustrations for Hebeloma's Lament in a Dozen Denials
link to exhibit

December 22, 2023
Illustrations for Hebeloma's Clockwise Cadenza (color)
link to exhibit

December 22, 2023
Scans of Exploratory Illustrations for Hebeloma's Clockwise Cadenza
link to exhibit

June 29, 2023
Exploratory Illustrations for Hebeloma's Clockwise Cadenza
link to exhibit

August 12, 2022
Chapter Illustrations for Hebeloma's Abyssal Aria
(updated September 10, 2022, November 25, 2022 & January 10, 2023)
link to exhibit

August 27, 2022
A Scarf for Hebeloma's Abyssal Aria
link to exhibit

June 1, 2022
Exploratory Illustrations for Hebeloma's Abyssal Aria
(updated July 19, 2022)
link to exhibit

January 9, 2022
Four by Six Grid of Color Squares
link to exhibit

November 25, 2021
(updated January 22, 2022)
Color Illustrations for Hebeloma's Swamp Fantasy Overture
link to exhibit

November 26, 2021
(updated January 9, 2022)
Original Sketch Illustrations for Hebeloma's Swamp Fantasy Overture
link to exhibit

September 17, 2021
Exploratory Illustrations for Hebeloma's Swamp Fantasy Overture
link to exhibit

July 20, 2021
The Minotaur
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October 19, 2019
Melanippe & Eurymedusa Under a Gibbous Moon
link to exhibit

December, 2018
Five Postcards (2018)
link to exhibit

July-September, 2018
The Augur in the Arbor Inn
link to exhibit