The Poison Pie Publishing House presents:

Hebeloma's Lament in a Dozen Denials
Hebeloma Crustuliniforme
with illustrations by Julia K. Keffer
(link to main page of score)


August 1, 2024
In centuries past, Aeolians from Thessaly had founded the village of Antissa on a small peninsula on the northern coast of Lesbos. Situated between a sheltered cove to the east and the mouth of the Voulgaris River to the west, Antissa possessed natural advantages. Despite the favorable location, the village had never attracted a significant influx of immigrants and the population of the original colonists had grown only modestly. It remained a scenic settlement with single story buildings rising up the gentle slope of the island. Fertile fields of grain occupied the low-lying plateau.

written while listening to:  Pierre de Trégomain Quartet - Shelter (La Fabrica'Son Label, FA 02, 2015, France, cd,

August 2, 2024
As she surveyed Antissa from afar, Europe felt a heaviness weigh upon her. She experienced the same sensation of isolation and helplessness that she had upon entering Knossos and the Cretan village before it. She longed for a companion to share the burden of introducing herself to a new town. Her thoughts turned to Berenike and Kallias. She felt a weariness at her solitary wandering and a longing for a place to settle down and call home. She could not dislodge the suspicion, which lurked at the back of her mind, that Antissa, despite its promising appearance, was not this place.

written while listening to:  Walter Beltrami - Piccoli Numeri (C.A.M. Jazz, CAMJ 3302-2, 2007, Italy, cd,

August 3, 2024
With no alternative save retreating into the wilds, Europe pressed forward into the village. The sun had not yet set but the shadows of the houses grew long. The first inhabitants to spot her showed no surprise at the presence of a woman alone. Her reception confused Europe because she presumed that strangers would infrequently appear in such a remote locale. She walked down the main street undisturbed. She kept a pace to her steps, as if she knew where she was going, though it delivered her too quickly to the central plaza, where she floundered for a next move.

written while listening to:  Anna Webber & Matt Mitchell - Capacious Aeration (Tzadik, TZ 4043, 2023, United States, cd,

August 4, 2024
The faces of the buildings lining the plaza all appeared similar to Europe. None stood out as a gathering place. No signs hung from eaves designating their purpose, though the wooden front porch of one structure seemed to identify it as a store of some kind. The light of a lantern flickered in the open doorway. She entered, tentatively, into a front room lined with shelves on the walls and woven baskets on the floor. She found an abundance of food supplies—flour, figs, olives in the baskets and amphorae of olive oil and wine on the walls.

written while listening to:  Derek Bailey, Mick Beck & Paul Hession - Meanwhile, Back In Sheffield... (Discus, 21CD, 2004, United Kingdom, cd,

August 5, 2024
Behind the counter stood a bearded man in a wrinkled chiton, his demeanor neither welcoming nor hostile. Observing her uncertainty, he said, "If you're needing something, no sense in dawdling. I'm about to close up for the evening." His words, like those of the fig-gatherers, were spoken in the Aeolic dialect. She did not know how to begin. Staring at the man, she opened her mouth to speak, then abruptly closed it without uttering a syllable. The man sighed. "They've sent you here by yourself, have they?" Europe did not know to whom he referred, but it seemed easiest to agree with a nod that she was indeed alone.

written while listening to:  Keiji Haino - The Meaning of Blackness..., sides A & B (Old Heaven Books, OH 017, 2019, China, lpx2,

August 6, 2024
"It's been a long day, lass," said the shopkeeper, keeping any vexation at Europe's indecision from his voice, "Stop by tomorrow." She took a step backward then faltered. The man shook his head wearily. "You don't know where to go." He led her out the door and pointed to a nondescript building across the square. "They'll put you up for the night." He went back inside, closing the door behind him. Europe hurried toward the building that he had indicated, lest, in the shadows, she confuse it with the other similar structures lining the plaza.

written while listening to:  The Art Ensemble of Chicago - Live from the Jazz Showcase (Rhapsody Films, no catalog #, 1990 (rec. 1981), United States, vhs,

August 7, 2024
Europe's welcome at the traveler's hostel made it clear to her that the residents of Antissa mistook her for a member of some group. Of course, she had no desire to deceive them, though she did not immediately clarify their error. Instead, she opted to postpone the moment of truth to a time when she was less hungry and, consequently, found the offer of a warm dinner less tempting. She felt compelled, in the face of the hospitality, to divulge her name but little more. The hostess and her husband took their guest's reticence to speak in stride.

written while listening to:  Joëlle Léandre & Sebi Tramontana - E'vero (Leo Records, CD LR 275, 1999, United Kingdom, cd,

August 8, 2024
In truth, the shopkeeper and the hosts of the guesthouse discerned that Europe, by her strange behavior, had not arrived from the village of women, who lived in the mountains of the island's interior and who visited Antissa to trade. However, finding her alone, they anticipated that she would soon join their ranks and therefore treated her as such. Their prognostications were not transparent to Europe who accepted the clean, dry room without question. Exhausted from the trek by sea and by land from Tenedos, she surrendered her guard and collapsed into a deep slumber.

written while listening to:  Matthew Shipp - The Data, disc 1 (RogueArt, ROG-0136, 2024, France, cdx2,

August 9, 2024
The treatment of Europe, as if she had been expected, continued to perplex her in the morning. Her hosts offered a quiet breakfast of barley bread dipped in wine. A streak of graying hair gave the wife a motherly aspect. She avoided asking her guest about her history. It seemed unlikely that a merry tale led to a solitary woman wandering alone into their village. Hers was a home that aimed for peace and calm; she did not invite unnecessary worry. Instead, she complimented Europe on her unusual height and asked her to take oregano down from a high shelf where her husband always left it beyond her reach.

written while listening to:  Ada Rave - In Search Of A Real World (Relative Pitch Records, RPRSS027, 2024, United States, cd,

August 10, 2024
Despite the cordiality of her hosts, Europe felt uneasy. She could not suppress a suspicion of distrust. In her time in the labyrinth, she had accepted that her fate had been settled by the lottery. She would find neither home nor happiness. It was a vain and self-deluding wish to think that a moment of kindness could be mistaken for a change in fortune. She supposed that her hostess meant only good by her actions but Europe could not help but resent her gestures, which brought into sharp relief the great calamity of having been wed to the minotaur.

written while listening to:  Miles Okazaki - Trickster (Pi Recordings, PI68, 2017, United States, cd,

August 11, 2024
A quiet day passed for Europe in Antissa. Her hostess, Kynthia, accepted her offer to help with chores around the house, then suggested that Europe descend to the beach for an afternoon swim. She was not accustomed to this sort of recreation but was eager to oblige the wishes of her benefactor. She walked the well-worn path leading down the hillside from the village to the shore. She passed a group of boisterous children followed by two mothers, who nodded a greeting at the stranger. From the beach, she spied far-off fishermen's boats plying the sea.

written while listening to:  Jerry Hunt - Phalba (Tzadik, TZ 7093, 2004, United States, cd,

August 12, 2024
She walked along the shoreline until a hillock provided a screen from the village. She disrobed and waded into the surf. Floating on her back, she recalled doing the same thing just a few nights ago and again experienced the absurd notion that somehow she belonged in this world. It was a concept that Europe was not yet ready to embrace, though she did not consciously reject it. Instead, a large wave unexpectedly rolled over her, filling her nostrils with water. In its wake, she cleared her nose and shrugged; this was the world she knew, one that would drown her as soon as she lowered her guard.

written while listening to:  Archie Shepp - A Sea of Faces (Black Saint, BSR 0002, 1975, Italy, lp,

August 13, 2024
At dinner that evening, Kynthia's husband, Thestor, remarked to Europe, "As no one's come to claim you today, why not spend another night with us? Perhaps, someone will show up tomorrow." Europe did not understand to whom he was referring but an ambiguous fear kept her from pursuing the matter. She told the couple to relax while she cleaned the table. Kynthia reclined on a couch with her feet raised. Her husband moved behind her and began to massage her shoulders. Watching Europe in the kitchen, she said, "I could get used to this."

written while listening to:  Dave Holland - Selected Recordings (ECM Records, :rarum X, 2004 (orig. 1973-2001), Germany, cd,

August 14, 2024
On her second day in Antissa, the party who ostensibly would come to collect Europe again failed to materialize. She apologized to Kynthia for overstaying her welcome but the woman seemed not at all put out. "Look around you," she said, "This is a guest house and you are my only guest. How should I occupy myself if you were to leave?" Europe could not shake the notion that Kynthia tended to her as if she were a gull found on the beach with a broken wing. All such injured creatures the woman insisted on sheltering until mended.

written while listening to:  Anemic Cinema - Iconoclasts (Ramble Records, RAM 119, 2023, Australia, digital files,

August 15, 2024
Thestor left them early in the evening to go out "drinking and gambling", or so he claimed. When he had departed, Kynthia explained to Europe that his plans were not so dissolute as he made them sound. "He's part of a group of old men who huddle around a table, casting bronze dice and nursing cups of wine." He exaggerated his vice, she said, because there was little in his behavior with which she might otherwise find fault. "You are a lucky woman," Europe replied. Kynthia agreed, "I picked a good husband all those years ago."

written while listening to:  Chet Baker - With Fifty Italian Strings (Jazzland, JLP 921S, 1960, United States, lp,

August 16, 2024
Kynthia judged this the right opportunity to broach the subject of Europe's marital status. Her guest wanted desperately to reciprocate the openness that she had been shown, but how could she admit to a bestial husband prowling the labyrinthine corridors of the mine beneath Knossos? The conflict apparent on Europe's face proved sufficient to communicate to Kynthia some version of the truth. Europe was not the first to show up on her doorstep, having fled a bad marriage. Kynthia let the matter drop. From a hiding place, she withdrew four bone dice and a pouch of coquina shells with which the women gambled the night away.

written while listening to:  Dizzy Gillespie, Sonny Stitt & Sonny Rollins - Sonny Side Up (Verve Records, MG V-8262, 1959, United States, lp,

August 17, 2024
During the game, Kynthia hoped to ease her guest's troubles, if only for an evening. Knowing nothing of the girl's past, she could offer little more than well-meant platitudes. "You are fortunate to have come to Lesbos. This is an island where many wanderers have found refuge. You too may find a happy home here." She perceived a stubborn dissent in Europe's face and added, "Time heals all wounds." "I don't believe that I shall ever find a happy home in this mortal world or the one to follow," Europe countered. "You have to believe," said Kynthia, "for it to happen."

written while listening to:  Miles of Davis - Sketches of Spain (Columbia, CL 1480, 1960, United States, lp,

August 18, 2024
Late in the afternoon of her third day in Antissa, as Europe grew uneasy with her protracted stay, another guest arrived at the hostel. She too was a lone woman though, unlike Europe, familiar to Kynthia, who greeted her warmly. Wiry of frame and garbed in a peplos fit for labor, the woman had hiked much of the day. Kynthia immediately set to gathering figs and wine. The new arrival's gaze fell to Europe, who matched it steadily, for she did not want to fixate on her right arm, which ended in a stump halfway between the shoulder and where her elbow would have been.

written while listening to:  John Zorn - The Parachute Years, disc 4 (Tzadik, TZ 7316, 1997 (rec. 1980), United States, cdx7,

August 19, 2024
Kynthia introduced Europe to Anaïs, who lived in a village in the interior of the island. The hostess did not reveal at this time that the settlement was home exclusively to women who had fled the troubles of the cities of men. While she had never been there, she had provided accommodations to such visitors for many years. Over time, she had gathered an understanding of their ways. Kynthia knew that the women chose carefully who might join their number. She also intuited that, whatever their criteria for admittance, Europe would surely satisfy them.

written while listening to:  Keiji Haino, Peter Brötzmann & Jim O'Rourke - Two City Blues 2 (Trost Records, TR 128, 2015, Austria, cd,

August 20, 2024
With the bearing of the woman of the house, Kynthia allowed Anaïs to quench her thirst then directed her to proceed to the river, so as to wash the dust of the road from her garment and body. She bade Europe to join the recent arrival. It was natural, she thought, for two young people newly introduced to have much to say to each other. The taciturn expressions and pursed lips of both women seemed to find fault with Kynthia's blatant mediation, but the two departed together all the same. The pair walked through the village in silence, each searching for opening words.

written while listening to:  Thuluth - One Third of the Sun (Al Maslakh, MSLKH 028, 2024, Lebanon, cd,

August 21, 2024
They followed the path to the banks of the Voulgaris, where village women gathered water. Traveling upstream a short stretch, Anaïs first washed herself then her peplos. Europe removed her sandals and sat in the grass with her feet in the cool, shallow water. While still in the river, Anaïs began the conversation, "Who are you?" Europe replied coolly, "A wanderer." Anaïs nodded. "How did you come to Lesbos?" Europe supposed that she had no choice but to submit to the interrogation. "I stole a boat from the Hittites on Tenedos." "Oh," said Anaïs, "you are a thief."

written while listening to:  Anthony Braxton - B-X0 NO-47A (BYG Records, 529.315, 1969, France, lp,

August 22, 2024
"And who are you?" Europe asked. Anaïs wrung the peplos dry. Of necessity, she had devised ways to compensate for her missing hand. Balancing in the shallow water like a stork on one leg, she pinned one end of the garment between her raised foot and her knee, while she twisted the fabric. On the cause of her missing limb, Anaïs offered no explanation. In a delayed response to Europe's question, she replied, "I am one who does whatever must be done. I harvest and hunt. I travel and trade across the breadth of this island, collecting what baubles I find along the way."

written while listening to:  Toshimaru Nakamura - No-Input Mixing Board (Zero Gravity, ZGV-026, 2000, Japan, cd,

August 23, 2024
"What business do you have in Antissa?" asked Anaïs, donning the damp peplos and coming ashore. Europe thought her companion's voice had mellowed but it might have been the wrinkling sounds of the flowing water that gave her words the illusion of softness. She paced her own response to match the rhythm of the river. "Only what business every woman has who seeks to find her own way." Anaïs raised a questioning eyebrow. Europe answered, "To flow like a river to the sea, without impediment of marsh or regard for fishermen idle along the shore."

written while listening to:  The Swipe Trio - Live at Cafe OTO (Innocent Records, ICR-027, 2023, Japan, cd,

August 24, 2024
Europe could not have known that speaking her mind clearly was the secret password that granted access to the hidden village in which Anaïs dwelt. Still, fearful of subterfuge, the other woman did not immediately lower her guard. Again, Europe returned the question that she had been obliged to answer. "And your business here?" Anaïs hesitated, as if deciding whether she should deign to reply, but eventually shrugged. "Today, I am a merchant, delivering goods. Like I said, I do what must be done for the welfare of my sisters."

written while listening to:  John Coltrane - My Favorite Things (Atlantic Records, SD 1361, 1961, United States, lp,

August 25, 2024
Europe wanted to again speak the truth, to tell Anaïs that she too had a sister, one whom she had been forced to abandon on Tenedos. However, she, more so than the other woman, had reason to maintain her defenses, for she rightly fancied herself worth a pretty ransom should King Minos ever learn of her escape. As the pair walked back to the hostel, Anaïs asked, "How long has it been since you left Athens?" Europe supposed her accent was unmistakable. In the measure of days, scarcely more than a year and a half had passed since her departure. Nevertheless, she replied, "A lifetime ago."

written while listening to:  Company - Company 3 (Incus Records, INCUS 25, 1977, United Kingdom, lp,

August 26, 2024
When Europe and Anaïs arrived back at the guest house, Kynthia immediately surmised that the two young women had reached an understanding, though neither clearly articulated so. She sensed in how they placed themselves in her front room that some geometry of interpersonal dynamics was being derived in the gradual unfolding of their movements. She too felt herself part of this mathematical drama and concealed an internal pleasure that she had been blessed with the perspicuous mind to foresee it and the nurturing heart to bring it to fruition.

written while listening to:  Charlie Parker - Bird's Eyes, Last Unissued, Vol. 5/6 (Philology, W 19/29-2, 1990 (rec. 1950 & 1951), Italy, cd,

August 27, 2024
By the time Thestor returned, an obvious rapport between the two women was quickly forming. He greeted Anaïs, whom he knew as a familiar, if sporadic, guest. At his entrance, the pair moved to opposite sides of the room as if their newfound affinity was a secret that they were not yet willing to openly disclose. In the back room, Kynthia agreed with her husband's musings. A ship had moored on the beach, bearing artichokes from Tinos. Kynthia prepared them for dinner. A favorite of Europe's, she could scarcely contain her delight. "I have not had artichokes since I left home!"

written while listening to:  Hans Reichel & Sven-Åke Johansson mit Ernst-Ludwig Petrowsky - Loft München 1980 (SÅJ, no catalog #, 2023 (rec. 1980), Germany, digital files,

August 28, 2024
The small guest room had beds for four, two of which Europe and Anaïs occupied. They did not stay up late into the night, sharing their thoughts on matters both trivial and weighty, as we might expect of two young people discovering each other. What impulsive streak lay in their natures had been assiduously suppressed. To our great consternation, Europe refused to acknowledge a possible change in fortune. Instead, she lay in the darkness, perversely reminding herself of her pledge to Kynthia, "I shall never find a happy home in this world or any other."

written while listening to:  Zoh Amba - Bhakti (Mahakala Music, MAHA-032, 2022, United States, cd,

August 29, 2024
In the morning, Europe opened an eye and found comfort in the image of Anaïs still asleep across the room, her chestnut hair draped across her face. At breakfast, Anaïs announced her attention to depart. It was obvious to everyone but Europe that she would not go alone. "Are you coming with me?" Anaïs asked. "Of course, she is," answered Kynthia. "Of course, I am," Europe dutifully repeated, "where ever else have I to go?" "If it's like that," countered Anaïs, "you can sail back to your beloved artichokes on Tinos!" Everyone laughed at her joke and the matter was settled.

written while listening to:  Dave Rempis, Tomeka Reid & Joshua Abrams - Allium (Aerophonic Records, AR036, 2022, United States, cd,

August 30, 2024
Europe observed money change hands from Anaïs to Kynthia. The transaction was a mundane exercise in commerce; Thestor and his wife required renumeration for the food and lodging, which they had provided their guests. That Anaïs paid for the bill incurred by Europe served only as an optimistic prediction that the newcomer would find a place among the women in her village. Still, Europe could not wholly quell an uneasy feeling that she too was being passed along from one party to another, in a business arrangement over which she exerted no control.

written while listening to:  Kresten Osgood Quintet - Live At H15 Studio (ILK Music, ILK 356, 2024, Denmark, digital files,

August 31, 2024
Thestor and Kynthia exchanged a few words after their guests departed. "A part of me feels that we needn't have accepted payment for the good deed in pointing that lost girl in the right direction," said the wife. The husband shared a look and nodded, "I know, my love. A miracle paid for is a miracle diminished." What went unspoken between them was the admission that it had seemed a greater risk to sully the moment if they had denied Europe's benefactor the opportunity to claim credit for an act of kindness.

written while listening to:  Harry Partch - The Harry Partch Collection Volume 3 (Composers Recordings Inc., CD 753, 1997, United States, cd,

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