Poison Pie Publishing House: Broken Promise

Thoughts on the Child in Texas Who Froze To Death in His Bed During the Power Outage of February, 2021
for Cristian Pavon Pineda

I understand that I am going to live just this one time.
It is enough and this is what I want to say.
I also accept that the needless suffering,
which permeates the world and to which I contribute,
individually and collectively, by deed and by inaction,
renders these words meaningless and puerile.

Others could have written better, more profoundly,
with greater kindness and superior ability
to rouse many to action in the great campaign
called "making the world a better place".
That they were unable to record their missive
due to illiteracy, poverty, illness, intoxication,
incarceration, or death, provides no justification
for elevating these words, which possess the advantage
of having been realized.

Some of us dwell in the world that is,
while others seek out the world of what may be.
Traditionally, members of each congregation
disparage the other, the first to the second,
saying, "You wallow in dreams, without substance,"
and the latter to the former, "You are bound
unnecessarily by the dearth of reality."
Both perspectives embrace a kernel of truth.
That I succumbed to the lure of the potential
eloquence of words never to be written
is only a reflection of who I am as a human being,
how I was made and the choices I took for myself,
no less than the choices I took from others, to get here.

Thoughts on the Child in Texas Who Froze To Death in His Bed During the Power Outage of February, 2021
David J. Keffer
Knoxville, TN
February 27, 2021
