Poison Pie Publishing House: A Prayer for Perpetual Malcontents

A Prayer for Perpetual Malcontents

Lord, clear my mind before I begin.
I feel a viscous fluid coagulating
in my brain, slowing the circulation,
depriving that thinking organ of oxygen,

causing it to function in a manner
that seems out of kilter or, at the very least,
unproductive to the completion of tasks
of a merit upon which You and I might agree.

Because, to my limited knowledge,
the only liquid that should be in my head
is blood, I ask, Lord, for nothing less
than total exsanguination, followed,

perhaps, by a transfusion of an inviscid,
synthetic replacement, less susceptible
to fouling. O Lord, hear my request
for that which I deem impossible, only

because the possible seems so lacking
in appeal. I accept the label malcontent
in its most general terms because
I understand the flaws that plague me

in my present situation are no more
antagonistic than the presumptive flaws
that my imagination assigns to accompany
each of the alternative circumstances

to which I might reasonably be expected
to flee. It is a ridiculous thing to pray
for deliverance from the petty torments
of an infinite number of parallel realities,

all equally objectionable. Lord, hear
the ridiculous prayers of the malcontents,
who through the mundanely mysterious
and inexcusable mis-threading of chromosomes

and experience, are satisfied no more
by the imagined than by the real.
Invoke a technology beyond imagination
by which You draw the poisoned humor

from the body. Concoct a miraculous remedy
beyond the dreams of medical practice
through which the blood is cleansed
and returned laden with divine properties.

Invent nothing less than an impossibility
in which the malcontent, who denies all peace,
may yet find it and prove, repeatedly,
unable to discover the means to taint it.

A Prayer for Perpetual Malcontents
David Keffer
Knoxville, TN
October 22, 2014
