Parental Role Models from the Arachnid Family
a poem in unrhymed quatrains of iambic pentameter

Extend along the wires taut beneath
you, spread your legs in all the principle
directions of the compass, one leg north,
the second northwest, eight in all unfurled.

Your children navigate along these lines
to tender flesh of your bare abdomen.
Their tiny mandibles incise a slit
and then insert two hairy pedipalps,

which spread the wound. They plunge mouth first and gorge
until their heads are buried in the sack
of your eviscerated torso. That's
one way to go about it. Who am I

to argue with your final sacrifice?
With your one hundred children, you have more
experience as parent than myself,
who have just this one child. I named mine Ruth.

And if a grisly vivisection would
enhance her chances of true happiness
I might be more inclined to contemplate
your practice of supreme nobility.

Instead, I hang around, a spider on
a web, awaiting opportunities
to leap, to catch a fly, to wrap in silk
this present, which I lay then at her feet.

I harbor thoughts that I am worth more than
the protein in my body. Only time
will tell if this is a preposterous,
illusory, mammalian conceit.